Get Caught Reading

Get caught reading!


About Jennie

I have been teaching preschool for over thirty-five years. This is my passion. I believe that children have a voice, and that is the catalyst to enhance or even change the learning experience. Emergent curriculum opens young minds. It's the little things that happen in the classroom that are most important and exciting. That's what I write about. I was a live guest on the Kelly Clarkson Show. I am highlighted in the seventh edition of Jim Trelease's million-copy bestselling book, "The Read-Aloud Handbook" because of my reading to children. My class has designed quilts that hang as permanent displays at the National Liberty Museum in Philadelphia, the Fisher House at the Boston VA Hospital, and the Massachusetts State House in Boston.
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29 Responses to Get Caught Reading

  1. Opher says:

    What better education could there be?

  2. GP Cox says:

    No caption needed on that pic, Jennie! You’re doing great work with the children!

  3. beetleypete says:

    Great to see them all enjoying a book.
    Best wishes, Pete.

  4. Darlene says:

    Perfect!! And they say kids don´t read books anymore. Here is proof that they do.

  5. delphini510 says:

    Beautiful and harmonious picture of children absorbed in books and art.

  6. Ritu says:

    ❤ ❤ Love it!

  7. Ellen says:

    Nothing pleases me more than the sight of a child with a real book in their hands! In this digital age they are confronted with so much technology that books seem irrelevant to many. My 4 yr. old grandson, Benjamin, and I share books every single day. It is an important and enjoyable part of our day together. Thank-you!

    • Jennie says:

      It is so hopeful to see children independently reading, because they want to. I’m glad you and Benjamin share books together every day. It is more important than you realize. I highly recommend “The Read-Aloud Handbook” by Jim Trelease. The “why” stories are right up your alley, and the second half of the book are book recommendations. It was my go-to when my kids were little, and much more. Is Benjamin an old four, meaning closer to five? If so, he is ready for chapter reading. 🙂

      • Ellen says:

        I purchased “The Read-Aloud Handbook” at your suggestion on a previous post and it was a worthwhile investment. Benjamin is not yet 4 1/2 yrs. of age. Reading to him was initiated in infancy and always preceded naps and bedtime each night, whether with me or at home. Naps are a bygone event, but afternoon book time has continued. He knows some books so well that he “reads” them to me and his parents. His library, here and at home, contains old favorites and is constantly enlarging.

      • Jennie says:

        Wonderful, Ellen! Makes my day to hear this, both “The Read-Aloud Handbook” and your reading ritual with Benjamin. He might enjoy “My Father’s Dragon”, always a popular read aloud to four-year-old boys. Thanks so much!

  8. They are so cute, Jennie.

  9. Norah says:

    Love it, Jennie: the advice, the photo, everything!

  10. dgkaye says:

    Beautiful. 🙂

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