Gloria Trick-Or-Treating Through the Years

After Halloween and trick-or-treat, children need to reminisce.  Of course they do!  They write picture stories about their adventures on Halloween night.  We talk about costumes and candy.  Remembering the good times is important.

When a child talked about being Minnie Mouse for Halloween, I remembered that was Gloria’s first ever Halloween, going trick-or-treating in 2010.  She was dressed as Minnie Mouse!

We pulled out Gloria’s journals and found the photo.

Children were pressed against me.  Everyone wanted to see.

“She really is Minnie Mouse.”

“She’s riding a bike, too.”

I said, “Gloria has had other Halloween adventures.  She has been trick-or-treating many times.  Let’s find her pictures.”  We went through her journals; she has been trick-or-treating seven times.  Seven!

Gloria is a dragon.  Can’t you tell how happy she is?
Both girls were in my class.  The are now in high school.
Mom tells me she remembers this like it was yesterday.
I do, too.

Lizzie had the best time with Gloria.
What a big smile!

Gloria is a giant pink bunny!
For those of you who remember my reading aloud
to the boy with the head injury,
this is his big sister.
The photo is 2014.

Gloria is Nemo.
Look at those smiles!

Gloria is a cow.  Just look at that happy face!
Both Captain America and the ladybug were in my class.

In Gloria’s journal the child writes,
“She got nervous about all the costumes.
She didn’t want to dress up.
She was super brave in the dark.
She loved me and my Robin costume.”

Gloria has a way with children.  She has always been the best friend, ever.  She shines on Halloween.  Well, she shines all the time.  Gloria, you have been the best through the years.  Here’s to many more years to come.


About Jennie

I have been teaching preschool for over thirty-five years. This is my passion. I believe that children have a voice, and that is the catalyst to enhance or even change the learning experience. Emergent curriculum opens young minds. It's the little things that happen in the classroom that are most important and exciting. That's what I write about. I was a live guest on the Kelly Clarkson Show. I am highlighted in the seventh edition of Jim Trelease's million-copy bestselling book, "The Read-Aloud Handbook" because of my reading to children. My class has designed quilts that hang as permanent displays at the National Liberty Museum in Philadelphia, the Fisher House at the Boston VA Hospital, and the Massachusetts State House in Boston.
This entry was posted in Diversity, Early Education, Expressing words and feelings, Gloria, Halloween, Inspiration, preschool, Teaching young children, Writing and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

66 Responses to Gloria Trick-Or-Treating Through the Years

  1. beth says:

    oh, I love this look back

  2. A very great advice, Jennie! Remembering the positive things is so important. Gloria as a cow is priceless. Lol Thanks for sharing another tip, and have a nice rest of the week! xx Michael

  3. Norah says:

    Great Gloria memories, Jennie. 💖

  4. A wonderful combination of looking back at memories and a teaching tip of tapping into a child’s energy.

  5. K.L. Hale says:

    Gloria sure knows how to make kids happy, just like you! I love her costumes and the smiles holding her. 🧡

  6. Gloria certainly wore her costumes well! I’m imaging the reactions of the person handing out treats at each house seeing Gloria.

    • Jennie says:

      I’m guessing they just assumed she was a witch…sigh! When the parent (Minnie Mouse year) brought Gloria back to school the next day, she was frustrated. She told me people kept asking about the witch, and she kept telling them she wasn’t a witch. This was not casual; she was mad that people didn’t understand. That’s when I know Gloria was the best thing ever.

  7. Ju says:

    Gloria you rocks Halloween. This is sweet and inspiring.

  8. How wonderful that you keep a journal of Gloria and all her special moments! I love this idea and only you would think of it. 🙂 So fun to look back on all those special adventures.

    • Jennie says:

      I hadn’t been through the journals with children since Covid. It was so much fun! Now, I have to read the journals to the children. There is far more than trick-or-treating.

  9. quiall says:

    Gloria is the thread that connects all your students throughout the years. What a wonderful idea!

  10. Jim Borden says:

    how wonderful to have all those journals so that you ca go back and reminisce. I am sure your children loved looking at Gloria in her various outfits. Great song as well..

  11. Darlene says:

    A lovely review of Gloria´s Halloween adventures. I love that Kenny Rogers song. Thanks.

  12. beetleypete says:

    Fabulous memories of Gloria. I have to say I think she looks great as a cow! 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

    • Jennie says:

      It seems that the cow costume is the favorite. Pete, I hadn’t gone through her journals with children since before Covid. It was a treat for everyone.

  13. What a delightful walk down memory lane with Gloria’s past Halloween’s!! I have a big smile too. I am looking forward to next year’s Halloween costume!

    • Jennie says:

      It was definitely a walk down memory lane. Searching for her trick-or-treating photos with the children was wonderful for everyone. Thank you, Deborah!

  14. A lovely story. Jennie. All the beautiful memories.

  15. Carla says:

    Such great memories, Jennie. Of course kids want to share and remember. I love that Gloria has a journal/scrapbook.

    • Jennie says:

      Thank you, Carla. I think the fact that Gloria has many memories (thank goodness I have kept her journals) gives today’s children even more reasons to fall in love with her.

  16. Ritu says:

    I just love this 🥰

  17. So adorable, Jennie. I love all the photos of Gloria dressed up with the children. What a riot. 🙂

  18. petespringerauthor says:

    I’m sure it was fun for them and you to look back. The journal that travels with Gloria is the best idea. Making writing fun should always be the goal. Keep making memories, Jennie and Gloria!

  19. frenchc1955 says:

    Jennie, thank you for this!

  20. A fine ‘history’ of Gloria’s Halloween Adventures with Children! I’ll bet she shared all her goodies with trick or treaters from the neighborhood, too!

    • Jennie says:

      I bet she did! I’m glad you enjoyed her adventures, Laura. They are treasures.

      Just when I think I have heard everything… Every year children’s families make a photo collage of their family for children to keep at school. A piece of home at school is a good thing.

      A child asked, “Where is Gloria’s Family?” Wow! So my co-teacher and I are making one for Gloria. Stay tuned!

  21. Enjoyed your trip down memory lane, Jennie! Thanks for sharing those and “Through the Years” too… ❤ xo

  22. So many wonderful memories. Well done, Jennie!!

  23. Elizabeth says:

    How do you decide who gets to dress Gloria for Halloween. Is it kind of like who gets to take home the gerbil for the weekend?

  24. Dan Antion says:

    So many great memories. I hope the children enjoyed your sharing them (I know I did).

  25. HI Jennie, it is lovely to see Gloria enjoying Halloween over the years.

  26. dgkaye says:

    Perfect song choice Jennie. And beautiful to see a new class of kiddies enjoying Gloria ❤

  27. bosssybabe says:

    Aww love seeing pics of your students 😍 I have the sweetest pic of Charlotte of her daddy’s shoulder wearing that monkey costume… brings back such fond memories of when she was a baby❤️❤️😭

    • Jennie says:

      That monkey costume photo will be a real treasure down the road. Our grandchildren love seeing photos of their parents on Halloween. Just you wait! 😀

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