9/11 and Kindness Peace and Love Day at School

Honoring 9/11 at school is Kindness, Peace, and Love Day.  It has been twenty years since that tragic day in September, and for children it is a day to remember the heroes.  How do we help young children honor the brave people on 9/11?  By remembering and celebrating how people were united in brotherhood and came together to help each other.  We talk about heroes – firefighters, police officers, nurses, doctors, teachers…

Yes, heroes.  They are the ones who face a tragedy and find goodness and strength.  We can, too.  Children can be heroes.  There is a hero in us all.

We hold the American flag.  I talk to children filled with big eyes and wearing red, white, and blue.  I show them how to stand and put their hand on their heart.  We sing “God Bless America.”  Then I ask, “Who is a hero?”  The shout-outs are terrific:

Firefighters!  Police officers!  Teachers!  Moms!

“You can be a hero, too.  Yes, you can.  You can help a friend.  You can spread kindness.  And when you see a firefighter or a police officer, please say ‘thank you’.  So who’s going to celebrate Kindness, Peace and Love Day?”  Every hand went up.

We then sing one of our favorite songs about America, “Red, White and Blue” by Debbie Clement.  While the song is a book, based on quilting America, it is the children’s favorite.

We listen to Lee Greenwood and The Singing Sergeants singing “God Bless the USA.”  If you haven’t heard this rendition of the song, you’re in for a treat.  Grab a tissue.

We will never forget 9/11, and we will always celebrate Kindness, Peace, and Love Day.


About Jennie

I have been teaching preschool for over thirty-five years. This is my passion. I believe that children have a voice, and that is the catalyst to enhance or even change the learning experience. Emergent curriculum opens young minds. It's the little things that happen in the classroom that are most important and exciting. That's what I write about. I was a live guest on the Kelly Clarkson Show. I am highlighted in the seventh edition of Jim Trelease's million-copy bestselling book, "The Read-Aloud Handbook" because of my reading to children. My class has designed quilts that hang as permanent displays at the National Liberty Museum in Philadelphia, the Fisher House at the Boston VA Hospital, and the Massachusetts State House in Boston.
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64 Responses to 9/11 and Kindness Peace and Love Day at School

  1. A great remembrance, Jennie! Thank you for your efforts on this, too. Horrible things had happened, and now after 20 years we only can grief. xx Michael

  2. willedare says:

    I wish that more human beings on planet earth were blessed with being taught by you, Jennie! Let us hope/trust that the ripples of kindness, peace and love that you have been spreading for the many years in your classroom (and in your blog) are continuing to pulse around the globe… We need all the kindness, peace and love we can muster these days!

  3. bosssybabe says:

    It still gives me chills to read about people’s experiences that day and what they remember doing… Our world pre-911 was so different… It really changed all our lives whether we were American or not.. The only other event that I can think of that’s had a great impact on the world is this current pandemic… How we think, do and interact… God bless America. ❤️

  4. Carla says:

    We need to teach our children kindness, love and peace, but we also need to remember the events and the heroes. I love that you do that for them. I love that song and I say God Bless, all of us.

  5. Jim Borden says:

    what a lovely way to remmber 9/11. and a beautiful song…

  6. Well said, Jennie. You inspire another generation of children to be kind and thoughtful. What more could we ask for in this world.

  7. Ritu says:

    That day will be cemented on the minds of all those who were alive to remember it. I love how you teach kindness, in association with remembrance 💜

  8. We all should celebrate Kindness, Peace, and Love Day the whole world over.

  9. Wonderful, I will remember Kindness Peace and Love day first next time round.

  10. What a wonderful way to remember this day, Jennie.

  11. quiall says:

    We all changed that day. But we must live well to honour those who did not survive.

  12. I like “Kindness, peace and love day” better than “Patriot Day”. Just sayin’…

  13. Beautiful remembrance method, Jennie

  14. Jermena says:

    Such a beautiful song❤️

  15. petespringerauthor says:

    Of course, we’re all thinking of our memories of this horrific day today. I like the way you’re choosing to remember it. I was teaching 2nd grade at the time, and I recall watching the horrible news reports as I was getting ready for work. My first thoughts went to my second graders as I knew many would be coming to school having seen those same images. There is no handbook for days like that. My only concern was to let them know they were safe (I hoped) in my classroom. It was all they wanted to talk about, trying to make sense of the impossible. It was hard to know what to do because some were still scared. Would talking about it scare them even more? I also remember parents showing up in the middle of the school day to hug their kids or pull them out of school. My memory has gotten worse about many things over the years, but I remember all of that as clear as day.

    • Jennie says:

      I bet your memory is crystal clear. I can’t imagine going through that day with older children. Of course they were scared, and needed your comfort. Our son was at the Naval Academy, and they were in lockdown, ready to do whatever might be needed. Parents came to pick up their children, teachers were scared, and we were on overload hugging children.

  16. TanGental says:

    Lovely. Do you know the M People song? Search for a hero? Seems apposite. https://g.co/kgs/dDmZVk

  17. That’s a wonderful remembrance and tradition, Jennie!

  18. Pingback: 9/11 and Kindness Peace and Love Day at School – MAD Production. Company.

  19. Don Ostertag says:

    Wonderful, Jennie. I love your title for the day. Have no idea why it would be called Patriots Day.

  20. Pingback: 9/11 and Kindness Peace and Love Day at School – MobsterTiger

  21. Dan Antion says:

    This is a lovely tradition, Jennie. It’s things like this that mean we will not forget.

  22. How wonderful to take a tragedy like 9/11 and turn it into a lesson on kindness and heroism for pre-school kids who really have no idea of the horrors that happened on that day.

  23. davidprosser says:

    A day that should always be celebrated this way.
    Hugs Galore

    • Jennie says:

      Yes, indeed! Thank you, David.

      • davidprosser says:

        I have said for many years that the reason there is so much hate in the world is because parents teach their children by example to live as they live. If they’re racist then there’s a fair chance their children will be too. Teachers are our best hope to counter that as they display an alternative way to operate, especially in a multicultural school. I think teachers have a value far beyond that which they receive as a salary.
        Huge Hugs

      • Jennie says:

        David, you are exactly right. I feel a huge responsibility as a teacher to make sure I introduce children to acceptance. I know parents don’t always have tolerance or understanding. So, it’s up to me. I do that through reading aloud, and through our classroom puppet ‘Gloria’. She is a wonder. The rewards are tenfold compared to the salary. Tomorrow’s blog post is a great example. Actually it is huge.

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