Cape Cod and Friends

I am on the Cape with dear friends.  Dear is an understatement.  We have been together for 25 years, since our children were little.  Now, we have grandchildren, and our adventures keep on going.  I wouldn’t trade these ladies for a million dollars.

Here is an old and a new photo:

I will be away for a few days, but will catch up with my fellow bloggers soon.


About Jennie

I have been teaching preschool for over thirty-five years. This is my passion. I believe that children have a voice, and that is the catalyst to enhance or even change the learning experience. Emergent curriculum opens young minds. It's the little things that happen in the classroom that are most important and exciting. That's what I write about. I was a live guest on the Kelly Clarkson Show. I am highlighted in the seventh edition of Jim Trelease's million-copy bestselling book, "The Read-Aloud Handbook" because of my reading to children. My class has designed quilts that hang as permanent displays at the National Liberty Museum in Philadelphia, the Fisher House at the Boston VA Hospital, and the Massachusetts State House in Boston.
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74 Responses to Cape Cod and Friends

  1. Have a wonderful reunion, Jennie! Take also time for some rest. Best wishes, Michael

    • Jennie says:

      Just got back home, Michael. It was wonderful. With old friends, we always laugh. Laugher is the best medicine. Perhaps it is old friends who are the best medicine?

  2. Who is the guy in the new photo, Jennie? Hummmm?

    • Jennie says:

      Hi John. He is the son of one of the Mermatrons, my longtime group of friends. Yes, we have a name…. That photo was taken at his wedding. He was the head writer for the TV show Elementary, and now his new TV series has begun. It was fun to watch it together. Well, it was really fun to be together. You can’t have enough laughing or wine, right? 🙂

  3. Liza says:

    That’s so great, 25 years!

  4. willedare says:

    Hurrah for time on the Cape with loved ones!!!

    • Jennie says:

      Yes!!! Will, our kids grew up together in a pretty sophisticated children’s chorus. They were singing opera before high school. I learned so much about music during those years. The little kids would often sing Benjamin Britten songs, which became my favorite. Well, these kids are our link, and we have been fast friends ever since. The power of music, right?

  5. beth says:

    enjoy every minute!

  6. I love this! Have a wonderful time Jennie!🤗

  7. Carla says:

    Have a wonderful time!

  8. srbottch says:

    If you’re in Cotuit, look for my footprints in the sand…Enjoy yourself!

    • Jennie says:

      I wish the weather had been beach-friendly. We were in Centerville, right on the big lake, and not far from the beach, so no Cotuit this year. We always have a grand time, just like your Bar Chronicle friends do. Thank you, Steve.

      • srbottch says:

        Great. I need to get those guys together. I’ve spent too much time writing about ‘the frog, the hog and the dog’ and forgetting them. Sounds like you had a great time. Take care.

      • Jennie says:

        Yes, you do need to get your Bar Chronicle guys together! Like you, I do plenty of writing. BUT, those times with your best group of friends is powerful and uplifting, for all of you. We had a wonderful time!

  9. Very beautiful memories

  10. Ritu says:

    What fun! Enjoy your break, Jennie 😍

  11. petespringerauthor says:

    Nothing like getting together with longtime friends.

    • Jennie says:

      You bet! Our kids sang together in a sophisticated children’s chorus, and we have been fast friends ever since. Oh, the laughs and the stories!!

  12. Have a grand time Jennie!

  13. Norah says:

    Sounds wonderful. Enjoy!

  14. beetleypete says:

    Love the old and new photo. What a great reunion! 🙂
    Best wishes, Pete.

  15. quiall says:

    Enjoy your time in an idyllic setting. Good friends, good memories, good times.

    • Jennie says:

      Thank you, Pam. I just returned this afternoon. The weather was awful, but good friends and good times prevailed. We had a blast, as we always do.

  16. Darlene says:

    Mothing like spending time with long time friends. Enjoy every minute!!

  17. Dan Antion says:

    Enjoy yourself, Jennie!

  18. Enjoy your vaca on the Cape, Jennie. 😀

  19. Annika Perry says:

    Have a fabulous time with your friends … such precious moments! Xx ps. I’m with John … who’s the new male addition to the group?! 😀

  20. dgkaye says:

    Enjoy every minute! ❤

  21. I hope that you and your friends had a good time!

  22. How lovely, Jennie. I hope you had a lovely break.

  23. Pingback: Cape Cod and Friends – MobsterTiger

  24. Beauty says:

    Lovely hope you enjoyed yourself a lot

  25. Beauty says:

    Lovely hope you enjoyed yourself

  26. Check out the blog by “studentblog11” Trust in God

  27. Check out the blog by “studentblog11” Mental Health

  28. Wow! 25 years of friendship is a reason to celebrate indeed! ❤

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