A Monarch Butterfly – a Visit and a Message

A monarch butterfly visited our flowers.  S/he was determined to stay, in spite of excited children and adults reaching out to touch.  This butterfly is endangered, so the visit was very special.

I always give the children I teach roots- the foundation to become strong and happy.  That comes naturally for the teacher in me.  Wings are the final journey, after roots have become secure and sturdy.  The monarch was showing me the power of wings.

This monarch butterfly stayed for a very long time.  I knew there was a reason and a message:

Jennie, never forget how important roots are.  The more you give to children, their wings can grow.

Yes.  I thanked the monarch butterfly.  What a gift!


About Jennie

I have been teaching preschool for over thirty-five years. This is my passion. I believe that children have a voice, and that is the catalyst to enhance or even change the learning experience. Emergent curriculum opens young minds. It's the little things that happen in the classroom that are most important and exciting. That's what I write about. I was a live guest on the Kelly Clarkson Show. I am highlighted in the seventh edition of Jim Trelease's million-copy bestselling book, "The Read-Aloud Handbook" because of my reading to children. My class has designed quilts that hang as permanent displays at the National Liberty Museum in Philadelphia, the Fisher House at the Boston VA Hospital, and the Massachusetts State House in Boston.
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90 Responses to A Monarch Butterfly – a Visit and a Message

  1. beth says:

    this was amazing and beautiful

  2. Ritu says:

    A beautiful message, Jennie. 💛

  3. joylennick says:

    A lovely thought. We can all learn so much, especially when young, if taught to really look, listen, sometimes touch, and think! I bless some of my years as an evacuee in Wales and Derbyshire, (WW11) when I spent so much more time outside learning about nature, asking questions and reading…And we children used our hands more: knitting, making pompoms for hats, ‘flower-brooches’ out of old stockings and cut-offs, sewing kits, and socks for the troops, plus simple leather goods, like purses. A totally different world! And Hurray for teachers! xx

    • Jennie says:

      Well said, Joy. Hands-on learning is the best. I remember your WWII story. You were fortunate to escape, and also to have the experiences of the natural world. I worry about kids today with way too much technology and parents who fear letting them play alone outside. Sigh!

  4. srbottch says:

    Wings to fly, yes. I see the kids in our neighborhood growing so fast and using their wings. One day, they’re gone…off to school or into the world to take the next step. Your photos are excellent.

  5. Poetry Goddess - Luna B says:

    Nice ❣

  6. Maggie says:

    A lovely lesson for us all.

  7. I love monarch butterflies and have been blessed to see several this summer. Thanks for sharing your experience!
    Many Blessings

  8. It was terrific seeing the butterfly on your plants. There has been an increase in Monarch populations lately which is good news.

  9. willedare says:

    Beautiful photos and beautiful message, Jennie! I remember once seeing a monarch when sailing on Cayuga Lake (one of the Finger Lakes in upstate, NY). We were a mile away from shore, and this incredibly strong, beautifully-colored being with paper-thin wings was valiantly flapping its way across the water… Thank you for sharing this wonderful encounter (inspired in part by your beautiful pot of flowers) with a monarch!!!

  10. Wings …to fly, the Monarch butterfly as well as your composition are extraordinarily beautiful. Not to be missed 💫💐🌹

  11. beetleypete says:

    My wife would say it was a spirit visiting you. I hope she is right about that.
    Best wishes, Pete.

  12. Darlene says:

    How wonderful! You are blessed to have this visit.

  13. We’ve got a couple in our yard as well, Jennie. Sometimes it looks like they are flying one after the other. Nice to see yours enjoying itself also!

  14. Luanne says:

    What a beauty! I never see monarchs. I am grateful to the orange dragonflies and the hummingbirds, though :).

    • Jennie says:

      We have many dragonflies, but not orange ones. That would be lovely to see. Our hummingbirds are green. I do hope you get to see a monarch one day.

      • Luanne says:

        I actually wrote a poem about monarchs that is in my first poetry collection. I saw them in California and became fascinated by them. But they only go to certain areas. I love green hummingbirds. We have a few of those, but mainly brown. They are still adorable. And, yes, the orange dragonflies are gorgeous. Bright orange, like a popsicle.

      • Jennie says:

        You are such a good poet, Luanne. I must look up orange dragonflies. We’re both lucky to see these amazing birds and animals.

      • Luanne says:

        They are either Flame Skimmers or Neon Skimmers–I’m not sure which. Or maybe both.

      • Jennie says:

        Thank you, Luanne!

  15. Awesome! Thanks for sharing, Jennie. I’m pretty sure your regal visitor was a male when I saw the video. Here’s why… https://journeynorth.org/tm/monarch/id_male_female.html#:~:text=Males%20have%20a%20small%20black,have%20slightly%20thinner%20wing%20veins. Sharing!

  16. Reblogged this on Bette A. Stevens, Maine Author and commented:
    An amazing visit (check out the photo, post, and video) at Jennie Fitzkie’s place… Afterward, check out this link to find out how to tell a male from a female monarch butterfly! https://journeynorth.org/tm/monarch/id_male_female.html#:~:text=Males%20have%20a%20small%20black,have%20slightly%20thinner%20wing%20veins.~ Bette A. Stevens, author and monarch butterfly advocate

  17. What an extraordinary moment! Thanks for sharing, Jennie!

  18. quiall says:

    What a wonderful experience! To have it captured on tape is even more precious.

  19. It’s always such a treat when a monarch butterfly pays a visit. I remember learning about how they start as creepy crawlies, spin a magic crystalis, and transform into a beautiful butterfly. How miraculous that was to even contemplate, much less witness!

  20. Jim Borden says:

    how wonderful to capture such a beautiful butterfly…

  21. petespringerauthor says:

    We all seem enchanted with monarchs. I wonder if it’s more the color, patterns, or sizes. The note I found estimates that between 20% to 90% of the monarch population (not very specific) has declined in the last several decades. I still see them around quite a bit, so this must be in select locations.

  22. Dawn Renee says:

    I like that you thanked the butterfly. It may seem silly to some, but I do that often too. I’ll thank the birds for their pretty ‘songs,’ tell the little bugs they’re cute, and stuff like that. I’m not entirely so different from others, I simply like and appreciate animals and insects more than many, many humans. : )
    Also, that you shared a video of your butterfly buddy, was more whimsical, if you will, than only a photo.

    • Jennie says:

      I feel the same way! The fact that I was able to get a video was remarkable. If the butterfly returns, I must give it a name.

      • Dawn Renee says:

        Yes! I had a Silver-Spotted Skipper friend for a season. Named her Ella. They have personalies! She had a couple favorite leaf perches. She’d greet me when I stepped onto the deck by fluttering happily around my head. I knew it was her by her mannerisms and her usually tattered wings, like a weathered flag. I hope I catch your name reveal post if the Monarch returns.

      • Jennie says:

        That’s a wonderful story, Dawn! If she returns, I’ll be sure to name her. Oh, I name all the fish at our pool. I promised blogger Geoff (TanGental) that I would post them. I will this week.

      • Dawn Renee says:

        Thanks, Jennie. I am looking forward to meeting them. Fish possess a special spot in my heart.

  23. A wonderful message from the monarch, Jennie. Beautiful photo and video. 🙂

  24. AmbersBlue says:

    Beautiful- picture, post and of course the butterfly 😊

  25. Hi Jennie, what a lovely experience and a great learning opportunity for the children.

  26. Mireya says:

    Wow I love your words

  27. Dan Antion says:

    They are so beautiful, Jennie. I love seeing them.

  28. dgkaye says:

    Beautiful. I had a gifted visit from a baby monarch last week. I was thinking about my husband and mentally asked him to send me a hello sign. Half hour later, a baby monarch landed on my left shoulder and sat there for a good five minutes. ❤

    • Jennie says:

      Debby, after I wrote this post I learned from bloggers that the monarch is a gift, a visit from a loved one. I knew that about cardinals, but not monarchs. You have confirmed it! What a marvelous five minutes you had from your husband, via the monarch. Thank you for telling me! 💕

  29. bosssybabe says:

    Butterflies are magical! 🙂

  30. They are really wonderful, even though i can’t remember to have seen one in real. Thanks for sharing the impression, Jennie! xx Michael

  31. And what a gift your post is, reminding us of the importance of our roots, as well as our ability to fly with purpose and love. ❤

  32. Pingback: A Monarch Butterfly – a Visit and a Message – Site Title

  33. marianbeaman says:

    I wrote a haiku today for my two grandsons off as college freshmen:

    Thrown out of the nest?
    Use you wings to fly higher
    That’s the truth for you!

    Thanks for all this, Jennie!

  34. Pingback: A Monarch Butterfly – a Visit and a Message – Global Info

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