Ghosts, Angels, and Spirits

Yes, I am a believer.  Perhaps because I have the heart of a child, I can openly see and feel.  All it takes is an encounter with a ghost or a spirit, and one cannot deny their existence.  I have had more than one!

When fellow blogger Don Ostertag at recently commented on the ghost at the Guthrie Theater, I replied that those of us who have seen ghosts are believers.

“You’ve seen a ghost, or been in the presence of a ghost?”

“Yes.  A few times.”

“Really?  Please tell the story.”

“It happened like this.”

My first encounter was as a child.  I woke up in the middle of the night, looked out my bedroom window, and watched an angel or ghost fly across the sky.  I can recall this as vividly as the day it happened.  She wore a white dress, and looked back at me, smiling.  I was mesmerized and not afraid at all.  My parents, siblings, and friends thought It must have been a dream or just a cloud.  Nope.  She was real.

My second encounter was at summer camp.  I loved summer camp!  As a child I spent a month every summer in rural Salt Rock, West Virginia at Camp Dekanawida.  Younger children lived in tents, older children lived in cabins.  My memories and experiences are fond ones.  One evening on my walk back to my cabin, there was my father standing in the middle of the road.  He had died in a terrible car crash years ago when I was five-years-old, and I had never seen him since then.  I didn’t know what to say.  I just stood there looking at him, and he just stood there looking at me.  Then he was gone.  I wasn’t afraid.  I was glad to see him once again.

My third encounter included other family members.  We were in the car headed to the Norfolk, Virginia zoo.  Our new baby granddaughter was in her carseat in the back, next to the window.  I was beside her, and Hubby was beside me.  Our son was driving and our daughter-in-law was in the passenger seat.  Granddaughter had been very quiet and happy the entire car ride.  We came to a traffic light stop, which was beside a cemetery.  As soon as the car stopped,  granddaughter whipped her head around to look out the window at the cemetery.  She became excited and very happy, chatting in baby talk and waving at the cemetery.  The minute the light changed and the car began moving, she returned to her quiet self.  Hubby and I still talk about that moment.  It’s been said that babies can see ghosts and often babble with them.  I can vouch that it is true.

My fourth encounter was with Milly the Quilter.  Many of you remember my stories and blog posts about Milly.  We had ten wonderful years together in my classroom, as she worked with children to make beautiful quilts.  They hang at museums and places of prominence.  When Milly became sick with kidney failure, she was moved to a care facility.  I visited her often, and we enjoyed reminiscing.  Her proudest moment was presenting her quilt to the Governor of Massachusetts, who dropped onto one knee and clasped her hands to have a private conversation.  Not a dry eye in the house.  One day I got a call from her granddaughter to tell me her health was rapidly deteriorating.  Shortly thereafter she called to say, “Come now!”  I jumped into the car and drove (way too fast) to get to Milly.  When I was five minutes away, I had a huge wave rush over me.  It nearly knocked me to the back of my car seat.  Suddenly, there was peace, a tidal wave of peace.  I knew Milly had died.  She was right there with me.  She was smiling and telling me it was okay.  That was her way.  When I got to her care facility, her granddaughter told me I’d missed saying goodbye, as Milly had died five minutes earlier.  “I know.  She was with me five minutes ago.  She smiled and said it was okay.”

From time to time (not often) I feel a very strong presence of my grandmother, and Hubby’s mother.  I talk.  They listen.  It’s really wonderful.

I ask Hubby, “Do you ever feel or see your mom or dad, or brother, or sister?”  No, he never does.  I ponder why I’ve been lucky to feel and see ghosts, spirits, and angels.  Honestly, I believe my open heart and mind, much like the children I teach, holds the key.


About Jennie

I have been teaching preschool for over thirty-five years. This is my passion. I believe that children have a voice, and that is the catalyst to enhance or even change the learning experience. Emergent curriculum opens young minds. It's the little things that happen in the classroom that are most important and exciting. That's what I write about. I was a live guest on the Kelly Clarkson Show. I am highlighted in the seventh edition of Jim Trelease's million-copy bestselling book, "The Read-Aloud Handbook" because of my reading to children. My class has designed quilts that hang as permanent displays at the National Liberty Museum in Philadelphia, the Fisher House at the Boston VA Hospital, and the Massachusetts State House in Boston.
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58 Responses to Ghosts, Angels, and Spirits

  1. beth says:

    I agree with you, it’s because you are open

  2. GP says:

    I believe it is your pure heart that allows you to see them.

  3. beetleypete says:

    Although neither of us are religious, Julie has great belief in an afterlife, and the spiritual world. I can see how believers get comfort from those beliefs, and how it gives them inner peace. Perhaps one day it will come to me.

    Best wishes, Pete.

    • beetleypete says:

      Oh, and chldren and animals definitely see things we cannot see. Ollie would often look into a corner of a room, lift his head and wag his tail. Sometimes he would walk into the corner too. Children have what we refer to as ‘imaginary friends’, and they might not be so imaginary.

      Best wishes, Pete.

    • Jennie says:

      I was thinking about your vivid dreams as I wrote this post. I know and respect how you feel. Perhaps one day. Best to you and to Julie, Pete.

  4. I believe you’re right it’s your open heart. 😊

  5. Ally Bean says:

    I get those feelings, too. Every once in a while I know my mother or my high school friend is with me. Just looking on while I do something. I hadn’t thought about it being because I’m open to it, but I think you’re onto something with that idea.

  6. Don Ostertag says:

    Thank you, Jennie for telling us your encounters with ghosts. I feel sorry for those who never encountered a ghost, and I really feel sorry for the scoffers.

    I had an encounter with my dad. I was told there was a phone call for me in the stage manager’s room in the basement, half way down there was my dad, and he smiled and said .Hi, Don’.

    I knew it was his ghost, and when I picked up the phone my wife told me that my dad had just died.

  7. CarolCooks2 says:

    I believe you have to be open to recieve and like you, Jennie have had various happenings over the years that cannot be explained away…

  8. Relatable for sure, Jennie. Thanks for articulating a few of your experiences so well. 🙂

  9. Fraggle says:

    Lovely to have those experiences.

  10. My mind and spirit are open. Waiting…

  11. VJ says:

    You are not alone. Some of us are just that sensitive.

  12. A fascination post, Jennie. I had heard the Millie story before, but the others are proof you have a gift. I have never seen ghosts or spirits and remember as a ten year old how much I wanted to see my father again. It just never happened. I could feel him near at times but never did see him. Thank yo for sharing your experiences.

  13. Your post gives me hope that some day I will see my loved ones who have passed on.

  14. petespringerauthor says:

    I have never experienced this, but I’m a believer. Too many people I know and trust have had similar experiences. My wife, Debbie, once had a visit from her dad shortly after he passed. She said it felt like he wanted her to know he was at peace and not to feel sad.

  15. Wynne Leon says:

    Wow, those are powerful encounters. Beautiful, Jennie! I think it’s your openness too!

  16. Fascinating indeed. Although I haven’t had experiences like yours, I’m also not going to doubt them. We visited the cemetery in Halifax where many from the Titanic disaster are buried. Later we talked to a lady who shared what her young daughter asked …. “Who were all those people dressed in old clothes?”

    • Jennie says:

      It is hard to doubt these stories, and the young daughter’s question is a perfect example. I hope you have an experience one day, Frank. It will happen when you least expect it. Best to you.

  17. K.L. Hale says:

    Jennie, I believe! You see and feel because your heart and soul are open and good! What beautiful stories of your Dad, Milly, and your granddaughter. ❣️💕

    There’s a story in my family of a man visiting the oldest cousin (my oldest sister was one who had this visit) in their dreams, standing in their rooms, even. All the cousins did not live close or in contact with one another! At a family gathering, the man was great-grandpa Wilson. I had an encounter with my Grandpa Hale and I knew he had past this life when it happened and my Dad called me.

    Thank you for sharing, Jennie! Enjoy your well-deserved break!!

  18. I love these! Thanks for sharing!

  19. Elizabeth says:

    When my daughter was two I was washing walls. My grandmother “came by” to tell me she was all right and was going far away. She had just recently died.

  20. Dan Antion says:

    I do believe, Jennie. There is so much that lies beyond the accepted facts in our lives. We have to believe.

  21. I think you have a quality the rest of us don’t, Jennie. I’ve never had experiences like you’ve described and I like to think I’m an open minded person.

    • Jennie says:

      A few bloggers have commented they had similar experiences, but it wasn’t something they talked about. I do feel blessed. Yes, you are very open minded, so it is a mystery why some people feel or see someone and others do not. Best to you, Robbie.

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