Giving Thanks – Teacher to Teacher, Blogger to Blogger, Friend to Friend

Let me tell you about my friend Pete Springer- fellow blogger, teacher, and dear friend.  He is a retired teacher with all the ‘right stuff’ when it comes to understanding children.  He visited my classroom a few years ago (which was absolutely wonderful), and that sparked a conversation among friends and teachers.

He’s coming to your classroom, and you’ve never met him?  How do you know this guy?

Bloggers are friends, family.  We’re a community who understand and support each other.  We share, laugh, and slowly become a family over time.  People just don’t understand.

They’ve never walked in our blogging shoes.

The opportunity to meet a fellow blogger and friend is rare and very special.  I was lucky to meet Pete.  It was as if we’d known each other forever.  Well, we had.  I don’t need to tell you how he immediately connected with the children.  Of course they loved him!

As time has gone on, Pete shares the best posts about his students, mentors, reading aloud, family, volunteering and more.  He is grounded in teaching, because 32 years gives you a full load of children and learning.  Thank goodness he shares his wisdom and stories.  I cherish his reflections.

When Pete learned this is my 40th year of teaching, he surprised me with two gifts:

‘Just hired, 40 years ago’.
I laughed my head off!

It’s My Workiversary.
40 years and counting.

Thank you, Pete.  The humor is THE best.  Everyone has laughed their heads off.  Laughing comes from the heart, and so does teaching.  You know that well.  More importantly, you stop to say ‘thank you’ not just with gifts, but with words.

Your words to me are beautiful.  Thank you!

Your words to fellow teachers are very powerful.  Many teachers have saved this video, tucked away for a rainy day, or a day to remember.  Every teacher in my school watched it and, well, swelled with emotion.

Pete, thank you for being you, for your giving, for your inspiration, and for your friendship.  Thank you for making me feel like a Superhero.

Pete’s blog can be found at


About Jennie

I have been teaching preschool for over thirty-five years. This is my passion. I believe that children have a voice, and that is the catalyst to enhance or even change the learning experience. Emergent curriculum opens young minds. It's the little things that happen in the classroom that are most important and exciting. That's what I write about. I was a live guest on the Kelly Clarkson Show. I am highlighted in the seventh edition of Jim Trelease's million-copy bestselling book, "The Read-Aloud Handbook" because of my reading to children. My class has designed quilts that hang as permanent displays at the National Liberty Museum in Philadelphia, the Fisher House at the Boston VA Hospital, and the Massachusetts State House in Boston.
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147 Responses to Giving Thanks – Teacher to Teacher, Blogger to Blogger, Friend to Friend

  1. I love this post!!
    Teachers are amazing!

    • petespringerauthor says:

      I only have time to pop in for a minute right now, Jennie, as I’m off to get a crown and then take a friend to her PT appointment, but I’ll be back later today.

      It was just about two years that I got to visit your classroom. It was one of the highlights of my trip. I’m so glad that I got to meet you and Steve in person. You inspire children and inspire us to be better humans. I’m proud to call you my friend.

      • Jennie says:

        It was one of the best days in my classroom! Pete, you’re the one who inspires me. I’m very proud to call you my friend.

    • petespringerauthor says:

      I had the good fortune of working with many amazing teachers in my career. Not everyone is cut from the same cloth. The remarkable thing about Jennie isn’t her longevity as much as it is her enthusiasm and ability to connect with children. She’s a born teacher.

  2. Your words are beautiful ….
    Thank you Thank you Thank you for sharing this magical story –

    It’s heartening to hear that the words shared among teachers have such a profound impact. It just so resonating and serves as a source of inspiration and solace …

    Wonderful, and undoubtedly the video is treasured and shared among other teachers … It speaks to the strength of community and the importance of support within the teaching profession ….

    Overall, emotional and spiritual feeling for me 🔆🤲❤️

  3. Darlene says:

    I love that you and Pete are friends and got to meet. Two fabulous teachers who have made a difference to so many children’s lives.

  4. GP says:

    Outstanding, Jennie!

  5. making a difference in someones life is a critical achievement! You both have earned your legacy!

    • petespringerauthor says:

      Whatever profession people choose, they should strive to make a contribution to the next generation. Thanks for your kind comment.

    • Jennie says:

      Thank you, Wayne! Tonight was a staff meeting, and fellow teachers were remarking on 40 years. I told them it was the children and the moments that were exciting, on and on. You could have heard a pin drop. Pete was the same way.

  6. Outstanding – Pete is a gem! Congrats again – especially as you navigate your first summer after 40 yrs of teaching. Your statement: “Bloggers are friends, family. We’re a community who understand and support each other. We share, laugh, and slowly become a family over time. People just don’t understand.” rings especially true for me right now as I’ve struggled to keep my website/blog alive after having to fix many techie issues recently. The overriding reason to keep at it? Exactly what you said!

    • petespringerauthor says:

      I didn’t know if I’d even make more than one post when I started this thing called blogging 5+ years ago. I’m thrilled to have made friends like you through blogging, Laura. There’s plenty of room for us to cheer on each other whatever the pursuit. I had never listened to much classical guitar until I came across your site. Keep following those dreams!

    • Jennie says:

      Thanks so much, Laura. Yes, Pete is a gem. I know what you mean about the statement I wrote. I’ve often thought about our ‘family’ and how I would never be the same without all of you. When I go through busy times and can’t catch up, or have WP techie snafus and want to quit…that thought only last for a minute, because family is everything. Mega hugs!

  7. Dan Antion says:

    This is a wonderful post, Jennie. I follow Pete, and I appreciate him, as I do you, on behalf of parents and children who feel the love you give them, but may not yet understand the importance of what you both have shared. I know they will eventually, as both you and Pete talk about kids who come back to visit. I see that when I visit my brother, and we run into people he had as students. The work you do is a blessing.

    • petespringerauthor says:

      We’ve got something in common, having both visited Jennie’s classroom, Dan. I would have loved watching her students as they got to work with tools. Jennie gets it—give children different kinds of experiences and get them excited for learning.

    • Jennie says:

      Thank you, Dan. You make a good point about feeling the love, but understanding. Yes, they do eventually. When Pete told me he cried reading aloud Because of Winn-Dixie to his students, he jumped to the top of the teacher bar. Tell me more about your brother.

      • Dan Antion says:

        He started out teaching kids with behavioral disorders. I don’t know how much of that he’d want me to share, but these were middle school students, so you can probably imagine.

        After teaching BD, he taught history. I was always impressed by the fact that he wanted his students to understand why things happened and not just the dates and other facts. He shares that history with me, often, and I am always fascinated. I think about how much more I’d understand if he had been my history teacher.

      • Jennie says:

        What a great teacher! Thanks, Dan.

  8. Fraggle says:

    This post is all kinds of special and lovely.

    • petespringerauthor says:

      Most bloggers are here for the right reasons: to engage with one another in a respectful manner. Thanks for commenting, Fraggle. Jennie is a gem.

  9. K.L. Hale says:

    What an amazing post, Jennie! I love the shirt Pete bought–and Pete’s video touched my heart!

    Here, here to you, Pete, and all the teachers who give their time, love, and learning to our children! You have impacted so many lives in MANY YEARS! How can anyone forget you?

    Happy belated Teacher Appreciation Week! You make a difference EVERY DAY! Pete, thank you for your 31 years in education and for being a friend to Jennie and many more! The blogging community is the best! 💞❣️🙏💜🤍

  10. That is absolutely inspirational. I wish I had more of Pete in me! I too follow his blog, read his book, enjoy his wise comments about teaching and life. Thanks for sharing this, Jennie.

    • petespringerauthor says:

      I wish I had more Jacqui in me. Life would be so much simpler if I had 10% of your knowledge when it comes to technology. The lesson is we’ve all got things we’re pretty good at, and we should embrace those while remaining humble.

    • Jennie says:

      I’m so glad this inspired you, Jacqui. Pete certainly inspires me. His blog is terrific.

  11. Congratulations. Forty years and more to come… lovely to have a blogger friend !

  12. Bruce@WOTC says:

    A great friendship forged by a great “cause,” Jennie!😊

  13. Don Ostertag says:

    Take a bow, Jennie. 40 years of starting the little ones off on the right road.

    • petespringerauthor says:

      The kids adore Jennie, Don—with good reason. I saw it in person. Children can tell the real deal.

    • Jennie says:

      Thank you, Don. It is hard to take a bow. You’re the same way. Friday night is when teachers, staff, and board get together for a year-end party. We also celebrate longevity, so I’m in the barrel. Not my comfort zone.

  14. beetleypete says:

    He’s a great guy, and the gifts and card were perfect indeed.

    Best wishes, Pete.

  15. Ritu says:

    how wonderful! Blogily is something else!

  16. Pete is amazing, Jennie. I just love how he goes above and beyond to celebrate others and share their triumphs. This is a great example. And this shout-out post acknowledging Pete’s kindness shows how alike you are. Congrats on 40 years, and I love the gifts (and photos) and Pete’s inspiring message. 🙂

  17. willowdot21 says:

    what a lovely speech Paul made, every word rang true. And as for you Jenny you are a superstar hero 💜💜💜

  18. This post was sheer delight! How thoughtful of Pete to honor your fortieth year as a teacher. I always feel uplifted and hopeful when I read his posts and your posts.

  19. Jennie I had tears while listening to Pete.. And yes you are a superhero🦸‍♂️.. And as I keep saying your inspiration to your students is incredible and the testimony to that is how your students come back later in years to tell you how they are doing in life as they have never forgotten you and the impact that you made in their lives..

    Congratulations again Dear Jennie… You are much loved by your students, your teaching colleagues and by your blogging community of friends..

    Lots of love and hugs,, and I love those sweatshirt slogans.. 🙂

  20. Wow … a lot in this post. Cheers to you for meeting a fellow blogger. (I’ve only meet a few.) Cheers to Pete for his positive words and dedication to his craft. Cheers to you for 40!

  21. Carla says:

    How special Jennie. I enjoy Pete’s blog as well, he is full of wisdom and saying thanks to others is a powerful piece of advice.

    • Jennie says:

      Well said and true, Carla!

    • petespringerauthor says:

      Thank you, Carla. I like to surround myself with good people. Thank you for all of your amazing shares. Have you read The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl by Stacy McAnulty? It’s about a twelve-year-old girl who is struck by lightning and develops an amazing ability for numbers. It reminds me a little bit of Tom Cruise in Rain Man.

  22. CarolCooks2 says:

    Ahhhhhh Jennie a special gift from one special educator to another…I will never forget how you helped me start Lily of on her reading English journey and she now teaches the teacher… the standard of English here is not very good but Lils shares her knowledge with her class…Thank you, Jenny x

  23. beth says:

    two of my teaching idols and blogging friends in one place at one time, this is powerful magic mojo! cheers to both of you and to many continued connections and inspirations ahead.

    • Jennie says:

      I love the words ‘powerful magic’. You represent those words, too. Thank you, Beth

    • petespringerauthor says:

      You’ve got your share of magic mojo happening in Michigan, Beth. You remind me of Jennie in a lot of ways in the activities you have going on in your classroom. You both know that hands-on learning is what works best for children.

  24. TanGental says:

    There’s this thing about ‘it takes a village..’ which I’m sure is true, but equally true, if not truer is it takes just one teacher to inspire learning and that is such a lifelong gift. There is no specific teacher mould for this but find one and they are worth their weight .

  25. Teaching and teacher’s are awesome and inspiring for students. Thanks for the profound post Jennie.

  26. Whoo hoo Pete! And whoo hoo Jennie. You both exemplify all the best of the best teachers who help our child grow kindness, creativity, and a sense of humor while learning their ABC’s.

  27. Pingback: Giving Thanks – Teacher to Teacher, Blogger to Blogger, Friend to Friend –

  28. #hhhigh says:

    Beautiful, love this

  29. frenchc1955 says:

    Hi Jennie, Applause to both of you!!!

  30. Ally Bean says:

    Congratulations. Not everyone finds their calling as young as you did & to be able to continue doing what you want is a gift. Teachers gotta teach!

    • petespringerauthor says:

      Thanks, Ally. Some people have the gift of teaching, and Jennie is one of those. As I like to say, any parent or grandparent would be fortunate to have their child/grandchild in her class.

  31. Jennie says:

    Spot on, Ally. Thank you!

  32. So sweet to see people resuscitate what is dying in our time — kindness and celebrating others!

  33. Beautiful! Thank you!

  34. Wonderful post and great that you got to meet each other!

  35. da-AL says:

    you guys are both amazing!

  36. Norah says:

    Congratulations on 40 years of changing lives for the better, Jennie. I love Peter’s humorous gifts, but especially his gift of recognition and friendship. How great is his video expressing appreciation for teachers.

    • Jennie says:

      Thank you, Norah. I’m still a bit stunned at 40 years. Yes, Pete’s gifts are humorous, but the underlying message is friendship and kindness, and appreciation for teachers.

  37. You are both the best thing that can happen to someone who is interested in the best training for the children. Unfortunately you cannot be cloned yet. -) Thanks for all your very important hints. Best wishes, Michael

  38. Awesome! Teachers rock!

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